The Hoarde Vintage -

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Item Details

A beautifully proportioned French garden table circa 1900. The table, made from wrought iron, has a great patina, showing successive layers of green paint, from its long life, as well as some wonderfully worm iron work. With gorgeous curved legs, quite unusual to be found in this style on a square table, it can be easily folded flat for storage. It has a very nice mechanism to twist to hold the legs in place, and looks amazing from every angle. Lovely as as indoor or outdoor piece, with all the age related bumps from a 100+ year old item, as seen on photos.

  • Period: 1900
    • Price: £320.00
    • €383 Euro
    • $398 US Dollar
  • Location: Northumberland
    • Dimensions: H: 65cm (25.59in)
    • W: 64cm (25.20in)
    • D: 64cm (25.20in)