The Hoarde Vintage -

Sellers's Details


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Item Details

Dimensions:  146cm x 65cm wide x 99.5cm high at the headboard and 75cm high at the footboard.  The mattress size would be 140.5cm x 59.5cm

This day bed is a classic French piece of great design.  Simple and easy to use fixings, folds flat for storage and is completely versatile.  Can be used as a daybed for the terrace or garden.  One side can fold down.  This would have once been a bed but it must not be used as a cot now due to specific modern design regulations.  Wonderful now as a seating option or a decorative piece.  These day beds are beautifully designed.  Ready to use as it is or this would be perfect to repaint.

  • Period:
    • Price: £395.00
    • €462 Euro
    • $494 US Dollar
  • Location: Buckinghamshire