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Bilston Basic Slag - Enamel Sign

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Member since
  • £465.00
  • €550 Euro
  • $567 US Dollar

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Item Description

A rarity and a conversation starter. This vibrant enamel sign for Bilston Basic Slag is, of course, advertising (plant) fertiliser. South Staffordshire was an area where iron working, especially the production of wrought iron was long established and very widespread. Bilston grew up as an industrial complex, with several collieries, blast furnaces and iron works. A significant secondary industry was established alongside basic Bessemer steelmaking... Initially the phosphorus-rich basic slag from the process was either shipped to Germany or was simply dumped in the North Sea. However Bilston became aware of the potential of this voluminous by-product and as early as 1886 announced its intention to install a slag grinding mill. Crushed basic slag was soon being used as an artificial manure or fertiliser in agriculture where its slow release of phosphorous into the soil helped improve crop yields. The colour-way is vibrant and it's survived the decades in good order. There is a little dulling to the surface gloss - mainly to the orange background (see angled photo). There are also some losses around the outer edges and one patch towards the centre of the sign. This sign is a total rarity, I've not seen another before. An interesting piece of history, a collector's peice or an innuendo rich piece of decor; it can work as any / all. It measusres 53.5cm wide x 38cm high. It can be hung using it's original mounting holes.

Item Info



Seller Location

London, London

Item Dimensions

H: 38cm W: 53.5cm D: 0.2cm



Item Location

Margate, England

Seller Location

London, London

Item Location

Margate, England

Seller Contact No

+44 (0)7703104788