Follower Of Dan Colen - Contemporary Oil Painting
Stock No
- Above £2,000.00
- €2,397 - €11,982,999,999,999 Euro
- $2,676 - $13,377,999,999,999 US Dollar
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Item Description
This piece is an exploration of the series of paintings known as 'Untitled (Bird Shit)' by prominent ultra-contemporary artist Dan Colen. An American artist born in 1979, Dan Colen's highly conceptual work frequently uses found materials, often what would be considered as waste, manipulated in an expressive manner to challenge the boundaries of what we consider art to be. As in this particular piece, Colen is known for using text in his work, from graffiti to digital typefaces, bringing an additional conceptual dimension to his paintings, installations and assemblages. Having exhibited internationally in a number of prestigious institutions, Colen continues to enjoy exceptional success for his highly innovative work. PLEASE ENQUIRE FOR PRICE Artist Name: Unsigned Approx Date: 2008 Frame Size: H 197 cm x W 115 cm x D 5 cm Medium: Oil on canvas Condition: Good Price: P.O.A SKU: 878 PLEASE ENQUIRE FOR PRICE
Item Info
Seller Location
Surrey, Surrey
Item Dimensions
H: 197cm W: 115cm D: 5cm
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
Surrey, Surrey
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44 (0)1748 220001
001 929-207-4705